Centrino style, the new collection of lamps and furniture
Centrino Style is the special collection of lamps made of corten steel suitable for both outdoor and indoor environments. Visit the website: https://www.centrinostyle.it The idea was born from the fortunate encounter between the brilliant intuitions of an architect, the craftsmanship of creative artisans and the entrepreneurial talent of two businesswomen, Silvia and Annamaria De Cataldo, […]
Corten, the special super-strong designer steel
As reiterated on several occasions, Corten is an indestructible to self-healing material. It “lives” and protects itself: if the surface is scratched, it oxidizes again and gives birth to a patina that regenerates it. It is an infinite process, destined to leave a trace in time. Corten steel, short for the Anglo-Saxon terms “CORrosion restistance” […]