in Apulia

of Exclusivity


Who we are
Specialists in Corten, the metal that lives
We specialize in the production of corten steel works. It is a material that "lives" and protects itself: if the surface is scratched, it oxidizes again and gives birth to a patina that regenerates it. It is an infinite process, destined to leave a trace in time.
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Corten Style
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Corten in the city increasingly in use for its strength and beauty
Corten in the city is highly valued for its great weathering, vandalism and corrosion resistance qualities The reconstruction of Korolenka Street in the city of Dnipro (Ukraine) wa
Grimilde, the mirror that lights up like in fairy tales
The special mirror that lights up is made of Corten steel and Centrino Style weave. The original design adds an extra touch of style and exclusivity to your rooms The Grimilde mirr
The charm
of originality
Corten Style